Acoustics is not an easy field for the layman to understand...
They say that seeing is believing; in the world of acoustics, there is little to be seen, and even upon hearing, it is sometimes difficult to tell apart the performance of different types of acoustics devices and products.

Underwater acoustics studies the sound and its behavior under water. When objects underwater vibrate, they produce sound-pressure waves, which compress and then decompress the water molecules as it moves through the water. Sound waves radiate away from the source much in the way ripples radiate on the surface of a pond or lake.
Typically, aquatic acoustics is a study applies to oceans; however, the laws are applied to rivers, lakes, or water held in tanks. The frequencies generally measure between 10 Hz and 1 MHz, and the discipline is sometimes...

Environmental noise is considered another term for “noise pollution”. Simply put, it is the unwanted and excessive increase in sound caused by human activities.
Environmental noise is increasingly considered a risk factor in negative health outcomes in issues such as sleep disturbances, hearing loss, hypertension...
Noise pollution is an inescapable fact of life. Not only are decibel levels increasing, but they are also expanding their reach. Estimates are that 180,000 persons move into urban populations centers each day. As they do, noise pollution is pushed farther into previously, quieter rural regions.